Thank you for visiting the site. Enjoy the published content and the book. We appreciate your support, and please pay it forward.
Thank you for visiting the site. Enjoy the published content and the book. We appreciate your support, and please pay it forward.
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This book collects and curates Naval’s wisdom from Twitter, Podcasts, and Essays over the past decade. The wisdom of Naval Ravikant, created and edited by Eric Jorgenson, with Illustrations by Jack Butcher, and a Foreword by Tim Ferriss.
The entirety of the book (and bonus content!) is free to read on this site, as well as complete pdf and e-reader versions for free download. This project is a public service, run on donations. Naval does not earn any money from this project. You can find Naval directly on and @Naval on Twitter.
Physical copies are available on Amazon. Ebooks are available through Kindle, iBooks, etc.
Now, Audible Versions are available! I started a podcast called Jorgenson’s Soundbox to make the audio version available for free. The audiobook will be available on Audible (and other platforms soon.)
In addition, the kind folks from Audiblogs have created audible versions of some of the secret section blog posts, you can see those on each post individually.
Selections from Naval’s 17,000+ tweets are perfect summaries of key ideas. This is a book of aphorisms, wrapped in deep dives of those insights.
Naval creates incredible podcasts and essays. I’ve excerpted and stitched them together into an insight-dense book.
Interviews are the bulk of the book’s content. The Navalmanack is defined by the warm, casual tone of conversation.
— Shane Parrish, Founder of Farnam Street
Entrepreneur and Investor. Naval is founder of Angellist, Epinions, and He is an Angel investor in Twitter, Uber, Yammer, and 100+ more. Naval has become widely followed for his thoughts on startups, investing, crypto, wealth, and happiness.
Our Illustrator. Designer by trade, Jack retired from a short career in corporate advertising to spend most of the day on Twitter, building design studio & media brand Visualize Value.